Ward 4 Marshals Office
Feb 5, 2024
We are hitting the streets, to slow down speeders and other traffic safety concerns.
We are asking everyone to slow down while driving in the Ward 4 area. Ward 4 encompasses the city limits of Sulphur and Westlake as well as the unincorporated areas of Carlyss and north of Sulphur to Houston River. Many people have not only requested increased enforcement, but also offered their driveways to assist us in doing so. We have been stopping vehicles for some time now resulting in citations and NUMEROUS warnings, all in an effort to try and slow everyone down and make our roads safer.
As we are certain there will be comments posted about generating revenue for Ward 4 or meeting quotas (which do not exist in our agency), we assure you our only goal is to get traffic to slow down for the safety of those living, working and traveling through Ward 4.
Overall, the Ward 4 Marshal’s Office is a shining example of a dedicated and committed law enforcement agency that takes pride in serving its community. We have a bright future ahead and will continue to strive towards excellence in all endeavors. Thank you for your continued support in this matter.
If you feel traffic violations are a problem in your area, please feel free to request traffic enforcement by calling (337) 527-5110 or visit our website at w4marshal@ward4marshal.org